donderdag 31 mei 2012

article 10: Derby fire deaths: Mick and Mairead Philpott in court

Derby fire deaths: Mick and Mairead Philpott in court

A few days ago there was a big fire in a house in Derby. The fire was immense and almost all the people who were inside the house died. There were six children inside the house and they all passed away. Jade, John, Jack, Jessie and Jayden died in the house , their brother Duwayne died in the hospital because of his injuries. The parents of those children have to go to court. A detective says this fire is started with patrol close to the front door. The parents are very sad, but don’t say a word about it.

If the parents truly “killed” their children I think it is crazy and very sad. Six young children who are not here anymore , all dead. On this moment the police does not have enough to prove that the parents were the one who started the fire, so that is all a little nerve-racking for the parents as for all the other family members. I hope the kids can rest in peace and I hope the case will be solved soon.   

1 opmerking:

  1. Its horrible of course but they always blame the parents first. I think that is strange because you should look at the parents first because they are not supposed to do anything like that. Of course if you can rule out the parents immediately its better.
